Create Amazon Mechanical Turk Account-Earn 500$/Month

Create Amazon Mechanical Turk, Amazon Mechanical Turk Job, Create Amazon Turk, Amazon Mechanical Turk Review, Mturk Reviews

Hello Guys,     

In other words, Today I’m going to give you a run-through of how to go about signing up for a Create Amazon Mechanical Turk Account worker account and start working on mturk account to earn money.

For Instance, Let’s Start.

Steps 1: Visit the Official Website of Amazon Mechanical Turk Account

  • Firstly you’ll need to access the Mechanical Turk website by going to Mturk Website
  • Secondly, This page gives you a nice overview of what the Mechanical Turk platform is about.
  • Thirdly and most importantly Read all the informative content.
  • After that, click on the yellow Get Started with Amazon Mechanical Turk in the center of the page.
Create Amazon Mechanical Turk Account

Step 2: Create an Amazon Mechanical Turk worker account and earn money.

Moreover, The Get Started landing page is where you’ll either start creating a mturk worker or mturk requester account. Therefore click on Create a Worker Account.

In other words, to create more money create a mturk worker account.

Create Amazon Mechanical Turk Worker Account
Create Amazon Mechanical Turk Account-Earn 500$/Month

As you’d like to work on tasks, also known as HITs, and make money, you’d now go ahead and click on the Create a Worker Account button under the piggy bank.

If you already have an account set up, then you’re able to use those credentials to sign up for your mturk account. This is because the mturk account is linked to your account.

So you’ll have one set of login credentials for your account and the Mechanical Turk worker account.

Create Amazon Mechanical Turk Account first login to Amazon Account

Similarly, If you don’t yet have an account, or you’d prefer to use a different email address to your current .com account, therefore you’ll click the gray Create your Amazon account button.

In other words, to create more money create a mturk worker account.

Step 3: Insert The Credentials And Get Verified

In addition, you’ve entered your email and password credentials to create your account. You’ll then be directed to the mturk worker registration page to fill in your mturk account-specific details.

On the worker registration page, you’ll fill out your personal details, including your country, full name, address, city, as well as other information. Once completed, confirm your registration request by clicking the Create Account button.

And there you have it.

Now they will review your account and Contact you…

Ending Words…

You’ll receive an email once it’s completed or when you’re invitation is made available.

Please bear in mind, that while your account it is reviewed, you will not be able to work on tasks and earn money, but you’ll be able to browse through and view the various HITs to get a feel for the platform. In the meantime, check out our FAQs page and have a read of what you can expect as a worker on Amazon Mechanical Turk.

amazon mechanical turk HIT Group
Assigned Qualification for Create Amazon Mechanical Turk
Dashboard of Amazon Mechanical Turk


In conclusion, above are the screenshots of my mturk worker account. You can see a dashboard screenshot, however, it shows the income of your account.

Check our article on earn money from Instagram

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